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THE BAHAMAS POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY LIMITED Response to Consultation on Standard for Power Quality and Reliability in Electric Power Systems

BPL notes URCA’s objectives in undertaking the implementation of rules that outline the minimum
technical standards for electricity supply. BPL is in agreement with URCA that such standards will
assist in mitigating the inherent risks associated with the production of electricity. BPL recognizes
that the now repealed Electricity Act, Chapter 194 did in fact include frequency and voltage
standards and that the same were not included in the Electricity Act 2015 (the Act). BPL further
notes that while the same was not explicitly included in the Act, BPL has maintained and still
applies those standards in its operations. This is evidenced by the inclusion of the same in BPL’s
approved Consumer Protection Plan.
BPL commends URCA for its decision to reestablish and possibly expand on those standards and
provides below, its representations in respect to URCA’s proposals as contained in the
Consultation Document and specific responses to the questions contained therein. BPL submits
that failure to address any specific statement in the Consultation Document does not signify BPL’s
agreement to the same.


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