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Preliminary Determination and Draft Order – BTC Network Outage

URCA Issues Preliminary Determination and Draft Order – BTC June Network Outages Following its investigation into the Bahamas Telecommunications Company Limited’s (BTC) network outage on June 18th of this year, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) made a preliminary finding that BTC breached Condition 27.1.1 (a) of its individual operating licence, by failing to take all reasonably practicable steps to maintain, to the greatest extent possible, the proper and effective functioning of its public telephone network.

Accordingly, URCA issued a Preliminary Determination and Draft Order to BTC on December 21, 2012. The Preliminary Determination outlines URCA’s investigative findings and the Draft Order prescribes measures to be imposed on BTC, in order to rectify the breach, including preventative measures going forward. BTC has been given until January 25, 2013 to respond URCA’s position. It is a statutory requirement that the regulator permit licensees an opportunity to present any representation or objections, before a final determination and order may be issued…You may download URCA’s complete statement by following the below PDF document link

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