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ES 05/2016 Regulatory Fees for the Electricity Sector in The Bahamas

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) today issues the Consultation Document “Regulatory Fees for the Electricity Sector in The Bahamas” (ES 05/2016), which explains URCA’s methodology for setting fees and states what fees will be for 2017 in respect of matters subject to URCA’s regulatory jurisdiction under the Electricity Act, 2015 (EA).

URCA is issuing this consultation document in compliance with Sections 41, 42 and 43 of the EA, which require URCA to consult the public on measures of public significance. Given that the setting of fees has a significant impact on persons generating, transmitting, distributing, or supplying electricity, URCA considers it to be a measure of public significance.

URCA was empowered by the EA as the independent regulator for the Electricity Sector (ES) in The Bahamas. URCA is responsible for licensing persons who generate, transmit, distribute or supply electricity within, into, from or through The Bahamas. URCA’s powers and functions are set out in the EA, which includes the power to issue regulatory and other measures to regulate the sector. URCA shall determine and assess fees on licensed entities as necessary to cover the costs allocable to the regulation of the ES.

This document follows URCA’s “Final Determination on Fees in the Electricity Sector in The Bahamas” (ES 05/2016) issued on September 29th, 2016. That document set out the types of fees that URCA would levy under the EA, but did not specify the methodology used to set the fees or state what the fees would be. Those matters are now addressed in this consultation document.

URCA invites and welcomes written submissions and comments from interested parties with sufficient interest in matters set out in this Consultation Document. The written submissions and comments must be submitted to URCA by 27 January 2017.

Written submissions and comments should be submitted to URCA either:

  1. by hand to the Chief Executive Officer, Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority, Frederick House, Frederick Street, Nassau, Bahamas; or
  2. by email to info@urcabahamas.bs; or
  3. by mail to P.O. Box N-4860, Nassau, Bahamas; or
  4. by facsimile to (242) 393-0237.

URCA will carefully consider all submissions and comments received before the deadline. URCA intends to publish all responses on the URCA website (www.urcabahamas.bs) as soon as possible after the deadline.

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